Wentong Zheng, J.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Law
Levin College of Law
2018 Awardee

Wentong Zheng’s research focuses on the legal and economic issues confronting businesses and regulatory agencies in a globalized world. He has published extensively in areas such as international trade and business, antitrust and competition policy, international intellectual property and Chinese state capitalism.
“I find myself especially interested in the boundaries between market and the state as well as the blurred distinction between state-owned and privately owned enterprises in China,” Zheng said.
Some of his work also touches on the question of performance incentives facing revolving-door regulators and international trade law’s accommodation of China as a disruptor of the international trade system. Other changes to the international trade system include the rise of ecommerce and trade in digital products and services, which can lead to more restrictions being placed upon cross-border data flows.
“I would like to explore how international trade law ought to handle disputes associated with these instances of data between borders,” Zheng said.
After taking stock of these restrictions, he plans to explore how international trade law can keep up with the inevitably fast-paced technological developments. Recent tax reforms within the United States have highlighted the need for a better understanding of the legal issues arising from the interaction of international trade law and taxation.
“I plan on conducting a comprehensive survey of the international trade law rules that could potentially apply to domestic or international tax policies,” Zheng said.
Zheng has served on various faculty committees at the College of Law. Most recently, he was the chair of the Promotion and Tenure Committee and a member of the Non-Tenure Track Appointments, Retention and Promotions Committee. He has also served as advisor to the Florida Journal of International Law since 2014 and on the Appointments Committee, Faculty Development Committee, Curriculum Committee, and Technology and Facilities Committee as well.
Zheng’s publications in recent years have appeared in prestigious journals, such as the Emory Law Journal, UCLA Law Review, Georgetown Law Journal, Notre Dame Law Review, Berkeley Journal of International Law, Stanford Journal of International Law, and Michigan Journal of International Law. He has also contributed to book volumes published by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, and Stanford University Press.