Kevin S. Jones, Ph.D.
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
College of Engineering
1998 Awardee

Doping, or the intentional introduction of impurities, is an essential step in the semiconductor integrated circuit fabrication process, and ion implantation is the most widely used doping technology. The defects that form through ion implantation ultimately dictate how small transistors can be.
Using transmission electron microscopy and secondary ion mass microscopy, Jones’ research team has discovered the role different types of ion implantation defects play on final chip performance. Such understanding greatly enhances the ability to process simulation programs to accurately design future computer chips.
By combining their expertise in this area, Jones and UF electrical and computer engineering Professor Mark Law (also a UFRF Professor) have gained a unique understanding of this process. The SoftWare and Analysis of Advanced Material Processing (SWAMP) Center the two established has become one of the world’s premier centers for the study of advanced silicon integrated circuit processing. More than 20 graduate students and four post-doctoral fellows conduct research at the center, which is funded by about $1 million per year from the semiconductor industry.