James Winefordner, Ph.D.
Graduate Research Professor of Chemistry
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
2001 Awardee

During his 42 years at UF, Winefordner has created and maintained a distinguished record of service and achievement both in the classroom and in the laboratory. A Graduate Research Professor since 1976, Winefordner continues teaching while conducting cutting-edge research.
Winefordner has published more than 825 scientific papers, chapters and books, delivered more than 100 invited or plenary speeches and won 22 major national and international awards in analytical chemistry and applied spectroscopy.
Since 1959, he has received more than $22 million in federal funding for research efforts extending over many of the most critical areas in analytical chemistry.
Winefordner and the research groups he supervises remain world leaders in analytical chemistry and applied spectroscopy. During the 1960s, they were leaders in developing atomic fluorescence spectroscopy and phosphorimetry for trace analysis. In the 1970s, they were leaders in using signal-to-noise calculations and measurements to optimize atomic and molecular spectrometric methods. Presently, they are world leaders in the use of lasers in atomic fluorescence spectrometry, atomic emission breakdown spectroscopy, Raman spectrometry and molecular luminescence spectrometry.
He is also currently researching several unique projects, including the development of an imager useful in the imaging of skin diseases, varicose veins, arterial blockage and other disorders.
Winefordner says his major objective as a professor is to teach students the basics in formal courses and the essentials of research so that (they) can achieve their ultimate goals. He hopes to always …instill the need for hard work, critical thinking, the joy of research, fairness and cooperation with others.