Jinhong Xie, Ph.D.
Etheridge Professor of International Business
Warrington College of Business Administration
2009 Awardee

Advances in technology are creating increasing opportunities for consumers to interact with each other and with sellers. Xie has developed and tested theories to help firms decide when and how to facilitate consumer social interactions. Her analysis of sales data from Amazon shows that offering shoppers information about which products previous buyers have most often purchased can benefit popular products without harming less popular products. This provides incentive to online sellers to offer more valuable information to consumers.
Xie’s future research will address marketing dimensions of pressing global challenges in energy, environment, and crisis management. She is exploring behavioral factors that influence consumers’ decisions on social investments and energy use, and examining market mechanisms and firm strategies that facilitate adoption of green products. Xie is also developing new research projects on the unique and dynamic behavior of markets in China.
Xie has served as Associate/Area Editor of two top journals in marketing and management. She has taught courses at a number of universities in Asia, including Tsinghua University and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in China, and the International University of Japan.